Monday, April 30, 2007

Infopath Locked Fields

Ive been working with Infopath 2007 and my own XML Schema recently. After I published the form to a MOSS2007 document library I found that all the fields and groups in the data source were now locked and had a padlock against them. Even if I tried to edit the local copy of the XSN I couldnt change the settings.

Ive read that InfoPath locks the schema for imported and connected data sources, however this is my own schema and its locked me out of it.

I urgently needed to add a field so I saved the Infopath form as its constiutent files and edited the XSD, Template.XSL and the Manifest XML files manually. The opening the manifest file into InfoPath brought in the additional field (still locked!!!), but usable.

Ive read that you can use Tools -> Change Main Data Source for this however InfoPaths heavy handedness in the respect of a local XSD schema is rather worrying.

Monday, April 23, 2007

InfoPath Team Blog : Submitting to a SharePoint List

Sharepoint lists are a great place to store data and Infopath 2007 is a great form editing tool, so you'd thought the two would work seamlessly together....but no....

Perhaps naively I thought that Infopath 2007 would seamlessly allow editing of MOSS Sharepoint lists, however, you have to use code, define your schema in XML and then write submit code to the Sharepoint web service using the lists GUID. Infopath 2007 and MOSS are such powerful tools, why cant a little codeless integration be put in place to ease this task?

Here is an article from March 2007 which shows you how to do it in code : InfoPath Team Blog : Submitting to a SharePoint List: "Submitting to a SharePoint List"

Saturday, April 21, 2007

ThreeWill's Personal Backup for Groove - Rapid Solutions Exchange

Once you have finished with a workspace in Groove it would be very nice to be able to archive it to a DVD so that if you ever needed it in the future you could get to it.

Over several PC upgrades workspaces have been "misslaid" and a backup would help with this as well.

A number of blogs mention Dicodemy's GForce.Backup but the but seems to be down.

Another option is to use ThreeWill's Personal Backup for Groove - Rapid Solutions Exchange

Monday, April 16, 2007

Creating a Custom Web Service for SharePoint

Creating a Custom Web Service for SharePoint

I need to programatically migrate data from WSS2 to WSS3. As the new V3 Microsoft.Sharepoint.DLLs dont seem to be backwardly compatible to WSS2 Im considering writing code using the old DLL and accessing the new version using Webservices.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ton Stegeman - SharePoint 2007 weblog : Exporting and importing SharePoint 2007 content using the object model

Ton Stegeman - SharePoint 2007 weblog : Exporting and importing SharePoint 2007 content using the object model

Good note about using Microsoft.Sharepoint.Deployment features in WSS3. Unfortunatly this only works with WSS3 and MOSS2007, if only we could get it to talk to WSS2 as well.

Sharepoint Tips And Tricks: Synchronous Add List event (ItemAdding) will not give access to item properties

Sharepoint Tips And Tricks: Synchronous Add List event (ItemAdding) will not give access to item properties

Ive been trying to understand how best to handle WSS3's event model and was getting rather bogged down not being able to see any SPItemEventProperties properties on the Async ItemAdding event.

I found I am not alone in my struggles and the link above to Ishai Sagi's blog shows that Microsoft had said that this behaviour is by design. Im not sure how it can be a very helpfull design to fire off an event and then not be able to see what caused that event, however one of the responses to Ishai gives the following code which at least gives some information on what is being added.

foreach (DictionaryEntry de in properties.AfterProperties)
{ string myValue = de.Value;
string myKey = de.Key; }

I'll add more as I find it, but there should be a clearer lead from Microsoft on this rather than just updating thier MSDN examples to ignore this issue.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007