Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Finding the last data cell in Excel 2007

Using VBA use the Range.SpecialCells Method such as

RCount = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
CCount = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column

Friday, March 23, 2007

Renaming WSS 3 Sharepoint sites (webs)

I'm building a Sharepoint MOSS 2007 environment and found that one of the sites I had created had the wrong name. I began looking around to see if I could migrate the content from one site to another easily which didnt look promissing. I then found that I could rename the site using STSADM.EXE Something like
stsadm -o renameweb -url http://portal/[oldname] -newname [newname]

Brilliant, (remember to change the site title as well) and its job done !

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Dark Blue Duck | Scanning Enabler (TM)

Dark Blue Duck Scanning Enabler (TM): "Scanning EnablerTM Product enhances SharePoint adding support for Desktop Scanning"

Whilst this is and interesting product im not sure why you wouldnt just scan your files directly to an WSS URL document library instead. I must be missing something.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

ScottGu's Blog : New C# "Orcas" Language Features: Automatic Properties, Object Initializers, and Collection Initializers

ScottGu's Blog : New C# "Orcas" Language Features: Automatic Properties, Object Initializers, and Collection Initializers

Interesting C# 3 new bits

WSS 3 anonymous setting

I couldnt find an easy way to enable Anonymous access after setting up a WSS 3 web application. I couldnt find anything in the book references but this article gives the steps to explain what is needed.

Firstly you need to go the WSS3 Central Administration -> Application Management-> Authentication Providers section and edit the default zone properties to allow anonymous. This has the effect of allowing anonymous in the IIS Service manager -> Web -> Directory Security section.

Then you need to enable the setting on each Site Collection. You do this by going to the collection and choosing Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Users and permissions -> Advanced Permissions -- and enable anonymous access under the "Settings" drop down.

This last step isnt very intuative and I didnt find it until I read this article

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Changing SQL Server 2005 language

SQL Server Forums - Changing SQL Server 2005 language: "EXEC sp_configure 'default language', 23 RECONFIGURE"

PCTV To Go HD Wireless

Pinnacle Systems - Product summary - PCTV To Go HD Wireless: "PCTV To Go HD Wireless" Ive been looking for an HD transmission system for some time and this solution seems to solve this with a combination of slingbox type web tranmission as well.

CHM Page cannot be displayed

Ive often had frustrating problems with CHM files not expanding their pages properly and endedup routing round various PC's trying to find one that would work. Thanks to Dennis Crane for suggesting re-registering the CHM viewer "regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx" which did the trick ! CHM files: The page cannot be displayed error